full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Chris Burkard: So, surf photographer, right? I don't even know if it's a real job title, to be honest. My parents definitely didn't think so when I told them at 19 I was quitting my job to pruuse this dream career: blue skies, warm taiocrpl beaches, and a tan that lasts all year long. I mean, to me, this was it. Life could not get any better. Sweating it out, sooithng surfers in these exotic tourist dentsiiantos. But there was just this one problem. You see, the more time I spent traveling to these exotic locations, the less gratifying it seemed to be. I set out seeking adventure, and what I was finding was only rnotiue. It was things like wi-fi, TV, fine dining, and a constant cellular cenicoontn that to me were all the trappings of pcales heavily troeusitd in and out of the water, and it didn't take long for me to start feeling suffocated.

Open Cloze

Chris Burkard: So, surf photographer, right? I don't even know if it's a real job title, to be honest. My parents definitely didn't think so when I told them at 19 I was quitting my job to ______ this dream career: blue skies, warm ________ beaches, and a tan that lasts all year long. I mean, to me, this was it. Life could not get any better. Sweating it out, ________ surfers in these exotic tourist ____________. But there was just this one problem. You see, the more time I spent traveling to these exotic locations, the less gratifying it seemed to be. I set out seeking adventure, and what I was finding was only _______. It was things like wi-fi, TV, fine dining, and a constant cellular __________ that to me were all the trappings of ______ heavily _________ in and out of the water, and it didn't take long for me to start feeling suffocated.


  1. touristed
  2. places
  3. destinations
  4. connection
  5. pursue
  6. tropical
  7. shooting
  8. routine

Original Text

Chris Burkard: So, surf photographer, right? I don't even know if it's a real job title, to be honest. My parents definitely didn't think so when I told them at 19 I was quitting my job to pursue this dream career: blue skies, warm tropical beaches, and a tan that lasts all year long. I mean, to me, this was it. Life could not get any better. Sweating it out, shooting surfers in these exotic tourist destinations. But there was just this one problem. You see, the more time I spent traveling to these exotic locations, the less gratifying it seemed to be. I set out seeking adventure, and what I was finding was only routine. It was things like wi-fi, TV, fine dining, and a constant cellular connection that to me were all the trappings of places heavily touristed in and out of the water, and it didn't take long for me to start feeling suffocated.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
freezing cold 2
perfect waves 2

Important Words

  1. adventure
  2. beaches
  3. blue
  4. cellular
  5. chris
  6. connection
  7. constant
  8. destinations
  9. dining
  10. dream
  11. exotic
  12. feeling
  13. finding
  14. fine
  15. gratifying
  16. heavily
  17. honest
  18. job
  19. lasts
  20. life
  21. locations
  22. long
  23. parents
  24. photographer
  25. places
  26. problem
  27. pursue
  28. quitting
  29. real
  30. routine
  31. seeking
  32. set
  33. shooting
  34. skies
  35. spent
  36. start
  37. suffocated
  38. surf
  39. surfers
  40. sweating
  41. tan
  42. time
  43. title
  44. told
  45. tourist
  46. touristed
  47. trappings
  48. traveling
  49. tropical
  50. tv
  51. warm
  52. water
  53. year